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Home: Welcome

About Homes for Ukraine Tufnell Park

We are a mutual aid group in Tufnell Park for people thinking about hosting, intending to host or hosting Ukrainians through the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme; for people who are not hosting but are able to support in other ways; and for newly arrived Ukrainians and their hosts regardless of how they came to the UK.

We share information, resources and support to build a coordinated community welcome for Ukrainians in Tufnell Park. Please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy of all info and links contained on this site.

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Home: About

Resources, guidance and help for hosts

(Ресурси, рекомендації та допомога для господарів)

Nursery School

Help with visas, etc

Some guidance  and links to sites that help with the red tape

Preparing for your guests and the first few weeks

Tips and links including help from local councils, SIM cards and bank accounts and more

Hosting children

Schools, activities, free clothing: some things to help you

Help for your guests living in London

Finding work, English language courses, health and wellbeing

Home: Causes

Ресурси, рекомендації та допомога для гостей

(Resources, guidance and help for guests)

місцева інформація

Local information


Веб-сайт посилається на іншу корисну інформацію

Website links to other useful information

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Home: Causes
No events at the moment
Home: Events List


Homes for Ukraine Tufnell Park. London

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Home: Contact
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